
Please help us with a donation

Given we are a small independent not for profit organisation we rely heavily on donations from our supporters. Any amount you give really makes a difference in helping us achieve our aim of giving every donkey in our care a happy, life-long home. Being a small organisation we are able to ensure that your donation is used entirely for the donkeys welfare. To make a donation you can do one of the following:

  1. Choose one of the preset amounts below.
  2. Click on the “Make a Donation of Your Choice” button if you have a specific amount in mind.
  3. Set up a regular standing order to do this you need to contact your own bank either in branch or via online banking and use the following details: Bank Name: NatWest, Account Name: Hayling Island Donkey Sanctury, Account No: 53153693, Sort Code: 53-50-33.

With your help we can achieve so much that otherwise would not be possible.

£5 will buy a bale of good quality hay that the donkeys need and love.

£10 would buy a course of antibiotics that can be used to treat a skin infection and provide great relief.

£20 will pay for a visit from the farrier to trim a donkeys feet to make sure they are comfortable and sound.

£30 will pay for a donkeys teeth checking and rasping to ensure they are comfortable, reducing mouth ulcers and making sure they can chew properly and get the most out of their food.

£50 would enable a vet to administer a vaccination to protect them against equine influenza.

£100 would buy the materials to replace 9m of fencing.

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